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中暑/熱衰竭的處治 Heat-related Illness









發表於 2014-7-10 22:43:22 |顯示全部樓層
因為近日天氣十分炎熱,所以在 8月6 號星期三晚的 CVST 交流會中,會有一位急症室護士討論中暑/熱衰竭的急救方法。有興趣的朋友請留意這個網站的公報:  https://www.facebook.com/CVSTeam

中暑 / 熱衰竭的處理治療 Treatment for Heatstroke / Heat Exhaustion.

在天氣炎熱的時候,如果患者的清醒程度下降,及有體溫上升或有高度的勞動,就要懷疑是中暑。 Heatstroke should be suspected in all patients with altered mental status and elevated temperature or high levels of exertion ( NEHC-TM-OEM 6260.6A, 2007 ).

A. 基本資料  Basic information
1. 香港紅十字會 - 中暑 / 熱衰竭的急救方法:

2. 對症降溫補水防中暑: http://www.mingpaohealth.com/cfm/feature3.cfm?File=20120718%2Fhefe%2Fvna2.txt

3. NOLS-WMI Notes: Heat Illness https://www.facebook.com/notes/nols-wilderness-medicine-institute/heat-illness/10151437296936331

B. 機構指引  Organizational Guidelines
1. New NATA Exertional Heat Stroke Guidelines: Cool, Then Transport。
新的運動員勞動型中暑 (exertional heat stroke) 的處理指引: 先降溫後送院。
最有效的方法是在現場泡冷水 (35F/2C 至 59F/15C 的溫度 ) 降溫至40C。http://www.nata.org/sites/default/files/Heat-Illness-Executive-Summary.pdf

2. Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Heat-Related Illness(2013):http://wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032(13)00166-X/fulltext

3. Minimum Guidelines and Scope of Practice for Wilderness First Aid (WFA)http://www.wildmedcenter.com/uploads/5/9/8/2/5982510/wfa_sop_v_dec_2012-1.pdf (See Heat Illness, pg 7.)

C. 板主評註  Comments by the Admin.
傳統型中暑(classical heatstroke) 和 勞動型中暑(exertional heatstroke) 的成因雖然是不同,但處理方法都是一樣: 要盡快用現場最有效的方法去降溫 和 緊急送院。 但是如果在送院途中不能繼續適當地降溫的話,就要考慮先在現場降溫至 40C (肛溫或估計) 才開始送院。

在野外中暑的降溫處理: 除了脫去衣物,浸溪水,或在陰涼通風處積極地噴水扇涼之外, 我們建議把患者先安置在絕緣地蓆之上,從平臥姿勢安置到復原臥式或 改良HAINES 復原臥式, 然後在前身和後身繼續積極地噴水扇涼; 這個方法會雙倍了降溫的面積, 和繼續保持氣道暢通 ( 改良HAINES 復原臥式:http://www.legacyhealth.org/housecalls2011/adult-en/healthimages/fa_position_haines.htm )。

熱衰竭 ( heat exhaustion ) 其實是因為炎熱和脫水而引至的一種低容量性休克 hypovolemic shock,所以有休克的徵狀。處治策略是令患者舒適和補充水分及電解質。幫助患者飲水是有三個基本的原則: (a) 患者要是清醒,(b) 患者能夠吞咽,和(c) 患者在飲水時最少要半坐臥 (不能平臥)。最簡單的方法是遞個容器給患者,要患者自行飲下容器中的液體,絕對不能灌水給患者。

D. 備註  Remarks
1. 過量飲水會引至低血鈉症...
(a) 低血鈉症 Hyponatremia  http://www.hksports.net/hkpe/running/supplementary_notes/hyponatremia.htm
(b) 飲水過量可致低鈉血症  http://www.mingpaohealth.com/cfm/news3.cfm?File=20070724%2Fnews%2Fgwn1.txt
(c) WMS Practice Guidelines for Treatment of Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia (2013):  http://wildernessmedicinemagazine.com/1041/articles/1041/EAH_PG_EPub.pdf
(d) Hyponatremia is a low sodium level in the blood caused by high water intake with low salt intake and salt loss in sweat.  https://www.facebook.com/notes/nols-wilderness-medicine-institute/hyponatremia-is-a-low-sodium-level-in-the-blood-caused-by-high-water-intake-with/10150908970291331

2. 服收鼻水藥行山易中暑: http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20140523/00410_010.html?facebook=y
(HKWFA 板主備註: 抗組胺藥 antihistamines 和降血壓藥,及其它多種藥物也會令服藥者容易中暑。)

3. 退燒藥物是不能用來處理中暑的降溫。

4. 美國 NBC News "Watch what it's like to sit inside a hot car" http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/hot-cars-and-kids/watch-what-its-sit-inside-hot-car-n154061 。小朋友和寵物都會在車內中暑,請各位小心留意一下。

E.  參考文獻  References
1. Cold Water Immersion: The Gold Standard for Exertional Heatstroke Treatment ( Casa, 2007) http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/559753 ( Press "Print" then view Figs. 1 and 2. )
2. Exertional Heat Stroke: New Concepts Regarding Cause and Care (Casa et al., 2012)
3. Prevention and Treatment of Heat and Cold Stress Injuries ( NEHC-TM-OEM 6260.6A, 2007)  http://www.med.navy.mil/sites/nmcphc/Documents/policy-and-instruction/oem-prevention-and-treatment-of-heat-and-cold-stress-injuries.pdf

== Fin ==


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